Özlem Süer shows her Autumn/ Winter Collection h2o the first time on the MFBWI Fashion Show.

Özlem Süer, one of the pioneers of Turkish design realized the multidisciplinary fashion show with the main sponsor Bioderma dedicated to the molecular composition of the water.

The corporation starts with the inspiration of Water, one of the most important elements in life. The corporation between Özlem Süer and Bioderma support “İdea Universal” and “Şimdi Derneği” to take the next step “Smart Village”.
In this project, water is extracted from the drills opened with the help of solar pump and fresh water is provided by fountains in front of each house. By supporting the establishment of an irrigation system, the families have the opportunity of clean water. With this project the families have new hope for the future.
The topic “water sensitivity” is one of the most important subjects in this era. Because of this fact in this cooperation water was the main subject in every step of the collection. The production, the colours that are used, the fabrics and the molds were connected with “smart styling” and give a message to the speed of our lives. The collection named “ h2o” is inspired by Bioderma and consider the unifying and integrative life force of water. The collection combines natural pieces with the fast, digital and the high life “Underground Luxury” and was represented by Özge Ulusoy as the main model.

The products that represent a natural cycle with a rational harmony with the collection theme of SuCo were reflected in the designs with the SuCo color determined by Özlem Süer in the fashion show. The shoes were specially designed by SOBE which produced in the most unıque way. The combination of the shoes and the material were really appreciated.

With the geography of Yasin Soy the successful models were represent the collection on the Runway. The hair designs belongs to Sabit Akkaya and the make-up to NARS. The backstage phots were shoot by Ufuk Altunkaş.

Özlem Süer has a delegated ID while working more than 20 years together with INTERCOLOR Türkiye. While holding an academic light in researching the healing effect of colours on humans the collection represents also the research of colours that have a healing effect. The audience see a collection which is contemporary and interdisciplinary while bringing together different fabrics like Chiffon, Silk, brand new fabrics and also fabrics that catch up the technology. The colour chart shows therapeutic blue, reflective greens and calm earth tones.

Defined as an avant-garde, neo-romantic, experimental, conceptual and interdisciplinary designer by the world fashion authorities, Özlem Süer has started her fashion and design venture 30years ago. Besides her unique collections, inspired by different stories each season, she also realises solo and group performances of art installations, where she combines various disciplines with a conceptual perception.
Since 1997 Özlem Süer is one of the two designers representing Turkey at the International Colour and Concept Board (INTERCOLOR), since 1997. She holds seminars and workshops on the colour and trend outputs of the meetings two years ahead. She has realized performances and shows at world fashion centres such as Düsseldorf, Tokyo, London, Milan, Moscow, Paris and Berlin. Her design which is close to art, placed her at a unique position all over the world.
Özlem Süer represents and sales her collection where the materials and colours come to the forefront in a very large fashionable geographic area.
Özlem Süer Fashion Brand’s flagship store is a maison, The “ÖZLEM SÜER HOUSE”, located in Nişantaşı, the high fashion district of Istanbul. The House is a historical building, built by a German architect in 1928. It is set on a 650 sqm covered area, surrounded by a 1000 sqm garden, hosting giant magnolia trees. The “ÖZLEM SÜER HOUSE” was inspired by the famous designer brands worldwide with the service differentiation is an original design and application centre.