The water consumption of cotton, which has an important place in Denim, is quite high. So, we’re working on cotton-free denim fabric. At the same time, 5% BCI is used in all of our products whether our customers desire or not. When we work on a new product, we start by calculating how much water we will consume first.
Can you give us some information about F BLUE? Could you tell us about your company’s birth and your current position?

Vice President
We are trying to continue AKGÜL KOT GİYİM as its second generation, which was started in 1969 and among the leading the manufacturers in blue jean production by Mustafa and Mehmet AKGÜL brothers who were trained by Beyoğlu’s master tailor Mrs. Gizilla. At the end of the 90s, we started to focus on sales and marketing activities in the denim journey that we continued in the second generation. Since 2007, we started to maintain our long years of experience in the domestic market with an emphasis on export. Today, we aim to increase our exports to more than 20 countries (Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Russia, Uzbekistan, Morocco, Tunisia) and the Americas and Far East countries in near future.
As a result of the R & D studies we have done, our products have brought water usage to almost none level and we are producing in this way. The water consumption of cotton, which has an important place in Denim, is quite high. So, we’re working on cotton-free denim fabric. At the same time, 5% BCI is used in all of our products whether our customers desire or not. When we work on a new product, we start by calculating how much water we will consume first.
How do you follow technology in relation to your position in the sector? Can you inform us regarding your R & D investments?
At a time where technology is progressing in a dazzling way, it is surely going to prepossessed by it. We closely follow the technological developments that can be used in the denim sector and adapt it to ourselves. At the same time, we follow a strategy not only to provide good fabrics but also to present our customers with the trendiest fabrics in the fastest way and at the right time.
As we work with many famous brands around the world (such as Inditex, Bruhl, Marco Polo, Pepe, Tommy Hilfiger), we are very sensitive in this regard.
In doing so, our main philosophy is to find what is available in nature, what is useful to man, what is good and beautiful and infuse them with our products. As natural and environmentally friendly fabrics are both ethical and eco-friendly in terms of production and also represent a better world that can be left to future generations, our priority in R & D works is in this direction.
What kind of design team do you work with when creating your collections? Can we get information about collections regarding the fabric-production, selection, and design process?
Especially in recent years, we have focused on production and development with design-oriented thinking. The most important point in creating our collections is the smart casual. Our design and marketing team is a team that analyzes the sector well and converts them into products with a synergy. Denim fabric is open to continuous innovations due to its nature, which strengthens our hand. This is a team game, where ideas, know-how, and experience combined with design, industry, and communication so that new and different creations can emerge. Firstly, our product range is very diverse but we create project families according to brand segmentation. In line with the trends of the upcoming season, we can say that casual clothing is at the forefront and collections crowned with different kinds of knitting and color are being prepared.
What do you do in the name of sustainability to carry your company to the future?
According to Surveys conducted within 12 years shows that due to a reduction in agricultural land and water resources, the crisis will arise.
This world is our planet and belongs to all of us. In order to leave a more livable environment for the next generations, we are trying to reduce the amount of water used in the pre-production, which means that our products are changed from raw material to production during pre-production and production process, from raw material to finished goods. As a result of the R & D studies we have done, our products have brought water usage to almost none level and we are producing in this way.
The water consumption of cotton, which has an important place in Denim, is quite high. So, we’re working on cotton-free denim fabric. At the same time, 5% BCI is used in all of our products whether our customers desire or not. When we work on a new product, we start by calculating how much water we will consume first.
In the post-consumer stage, a process where all products transformed into goods, we are working for the distribution of the jeans gathered by the NGOs by washing and cleaning them to the customers as a new product.
At the same time, we are planting trees for the removal of various gases released from our production areas in our livelihoods. And we prefer the walnut trees that are 500 years old.
What kind of design team do you work with when creating your collections? Can we get information about collections regarding the fabric-production, selection, and design process?
Especially in recent years, we have focused on production and development with design-oriented thinking. The most important point in creating our collections is the smart casual. Our design and marketing team is a team that analyzes the sector well and converts them into products with a synergy. Denim fabric is open to continuous innovations due to its nature, which strengthens our hand. This is a team game, where ideas, know-how, and experience combined with design, industry, and communication so that new and different creations can emerge. Firstly, our product range is very diverse but we create project families according to brand segmentation. In line with the trends of the upcoming season, we can say that casual clothing is at the forefront and collections crowned with different kinds of knitting and color are being prepared.
What do you do in the name of sustainability to carry your company to the future?
According to Surveys conducted within 12 years shows that due to a reduction in agricultural land and water resources, the crisis will arise.
This world is our planet and belongs to all of us. In order to leave a more livable environment for the next generations, we are trying to reduce the amount of water used in the pre-production, which means that our products are changed from raw material to production during pre-production and production process, from raw material to finished goods. As a result of the R & D studies we have done, our products have brought water usage to almost none level and we are producing in this way.
The water consumption of cotton, which has an important place in Denim, is quite high. So, we’re working on cotton-free denim fabric. At the same time, 5% BCI is used in all of our products whether our customers desire or not. When we work on a new product, we start by calculating how much water we will consume first.
In the post-consumer stage, a process where all products transformed into goods, we are working for the distribution of the jeans gathered by the NGOs by washing and cleaning them to the customers as a new product.
At the same time, we are planting trees for the removal of various gases released from our production areas in our livelihoods. And we prefer the walnut trees that are 500 years old.