Namely, brands will produce consciously and we will continue our way as a conscious consumer. Fashion victims will decrease and fashion will lead our lifestyle…

There is no one in the World who has ever been affected by this few months of intense Covid-19 epidemic. What do you think, what did you do in this period?

We have gone through a challenging process that affects everyone in the world psychologically, materially and spiritually. We had great losses…

In fact, while understanding the reality of death, we also understood that life has a real meaning. In this process, I thought that the world was waiting for a conscientious apology from us… It left us alone and made us think about our opportunity to retreat to our shell, to ask ourselves many times what we live for. Although it is a hard process, I am from the positive side and evaluate this process healthy and well. I had the opportunity to question myself in this process. I realized how good my potential was actually, I turned to different jobs, prepared projects, and because of my busy life, I would hardly read the book, so I went on great trips with the books I read. I had a relationship level with the kitchen, I tasted different tastes, prepared with my own efforts… Since I am a domestic person, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it did not affect me very much. I have never been so lonely, it was the only difference.

As in almost every sector in the global economy, we have seen many reflections in the world of textile-apparel and fashion, and it seems that we will continue to see it. What would you like to say as a person whose job is to follow fashion, trends and designs?

I can say that like every sector, the textile and fashion sector was affected the most. If the world stops, the fashion flow stops, I’m sure of it because fashion is a transformation that doesn’t like to pause, it cannot transform without being renewed. I think the big brands will fight for this, if the fashion world stops, it will reflect on our lifestyles, the period we live in, our character. We can be victims of prejudices with our clothes… My belief in fashion is endless, it will somehow manage to infiltrate our lives again.

Could you tell us about your diaries with fashion editor-bloggers just like you that you communicate with abroad? What did they do in this process and what are their predictions?

In this period, I’m more frequent communication with the channel Tokyo Fashion Designerstv on which I’m Turkey Representative. To me, the center of fashion is Tokyo. Even though things seemed fast there, their lives continued in slow motion.

“It stopped there completely.” at least we were given many wars for it in Turkey. It remained a party that lost faith in it. Skin color, language, race does not matter, tear color is the same for us.

We did not despair with my friends with whom I did business in the fashion sector, they thought like me, they produced new ideas and continued to follow the fashion, they continued their work from home office.

What effects do you think this process will have on our clothing style and fashion? What ideas do you have about future trends, from needs to designs, from digitalization to sustainability?

If you look economically and commercially, we are very available if we look at digitalization and sustainability sectorally.

We always see the bad side, but I think that although this process affects the fashion industry, it will have a useful period. Namely, brands will produce consciously and we will continue our way as a conscious consumer. Fashion victims will decrease and fashion will lead our lifestyle…

With the epidemic process, we will not be able to see events such as fairs fashion weeks in the medium term for a while? Are there examples of fashion fairs, fashion shows and fashion events on digital platforms? Or will we start seeing soon?

Yes, I think we will continue to miss the podiums as models for a while. I exchanged ideas with many agencies on this issue, they are looking at digital fashion shows and working on it. I am sure they will use it on the social media platform, whatever media they can offer. The fashion shows will be based on their old system after a while, paying attention to the social distance levels, the decorations and the podium will be prepared accordingly.

Finally, how can our country and our designers turn this process into an opportunity for trendsetting and guiding to fashion? What do you think can be done about this?
Most likely, every brand can go a little bit from the avant- garde world to today’s fashion, they can use their designs and color varieties with a more “wearability” perception. Because even if our belief says that this process will end soon, it is inevitable to face the facts.

I will never be able to wear that wonderful dress I bought from “CHANEL” today, for example, without an invitation or an organization. Producing and consuming parties will think in this perception, so they will reduce everything and start making it suitable for today’s flow, this is a great opportunity for them.